Sunday 31 March 2024

7 stocks that are positioned for strong growth in Q2

Happy Easter!

You would be an outlier if the current market conditions don't make you at least a little uneasy.

The rest of 2024 doesn't look like it's going to provide any more clarity than we saw Q1.

The Federal Reserve may cut interest rates a little, a lot, or not at all.  

Recession concerns still hang over the market despite declarations of a soft landing. 

And it's an election year, which currently means a volatile year for stocks.  

All of that may be enough to keep you on the sidelines. But that could be a mistake.  

The key to being a long-term investor is to avoid thinking like a trader. If your investment timeline still has many years to play out, a solid strategy is to own stocks of quality companies, particularly those that pay dividends, and let your money work for you.  

In 2024, defensive stocks have gotten out of the gate strongly, and that is likely to remain the case as long as volatility exists.  

That's why we urge you to view this special presentation highlighting seven defensive stocks with strong growth opportunities in 2024. Investors can find these stocks across industries, but we've done some of that work for you.  

The stocks in this presentation are projected to post solid earnings growth in 2024. Since earnings growth is one of the best predictors of stock price growth, investing in these stocks now is likely to provide you with a solid total return in 2024 and beyond.  

View the 7 Defensive Stocks with Strong Growth Opportunities in 2024 

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Today's Bonus Content: I'm afraid WWIII is a very real possibility

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