Saturday 4 May 2024

49 wins… 3 losses… You do the math

Let me show you the secret behind this success…
The markets are chaotic right now… and yet, over the last year, my flagship strategy has issued a NEW trade every single week…

All while maintaining a 49-3 win/loss record! 

How is that possible? 

It’s all thanks to a little move I call the “Tuesday Bear Trap…” 

See, when the markets open Tuesday, I use my proprietary trading tools AND my personal expertise, and I judge the direction of the overall market.

Then, my flagship strategy finds a trade in the same direction on a trend stock…

After that, it’s just a straightforward 2-step trade to target income week after week after week.

It’s really that straightforward — join me here and I’ll show you more

In choppy, uncertain markets, you need the Tuesday Bear Trap on your side.

Trade well,
Jack Carter
From 1/1/21 through 4/17/24 the average return per options trade (winners and losers) is 3.2% in 3 days, with a 97.0% win rate. Annualized the return on options is 166% per year. We cannot guarantee any specific future results, as there is always high degree of risk involved in trading. See our Terms on the DTI homepage for more information.

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