Wednesday 11 September 2024

Target income from the FED meeting

PLUS discover the Nasdaq prediction of the week
I was talking with my friend Nate “The Income Kid” Tucci recently.

And we were having a laugh at how the media is “covering” next week’s FED meeting.

All their chatter is so useless when it comes to making trading decisions.

Because it can’t help you figure out how to turn the FED meeting into meaningful income opportunities.

Instead, it’s really good at confusing folks with “analysis” that’s actually just a bunch of guessing…

Guessing what Powell will say.

Guessing how much rate cuts will be.

Guessing how the market will react after that.

So, if you’re looking to the media for guidance on what to do next week…

They definitely can’t help you.

But you could check out Nate’s favorite way to play the FED meeting’s fallout.

It’s a method he’ll be using to target income from the Nasdaq with his prediction of the week…

Which he’s reliably nailed so far with 76.9% accuracy.

No guessing necessary!

We can’t guarantee results or against losses, but you can discover Nate’s TOP way to play the FED meeting Fallout if you join him LIVE tomorrow, September 12th at 3:30 PM ET.

Trade well,
Jack Carter

Disclaimer: The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. The average return per trade alert (winners and losers included) with live trading is 14.96% over a 7 day hold time, and a 76.9% win rate with an average winner of 49.26%.


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